Book Foil with Cutter

Book Foil with Cutter
No scissors needed!

SKU: 9680-0004 Category:

Book Foil with Cutter

The book foil with cutter from JOLLY already has an integrated solution for clean cutting. So the binding of books is child’s play! The book foil can be removed for 90 seconds. So you can still easily correct the position. Afterwards, the book foil sticks permanently. The XL format also makes it possible to integrate albums!

  • permanent self-adhesive foil
  • with cutter – no scissors required
  • easy loosening of the foil due to the kinked edge
  • 90 seconds to set up – afterwards the foil sticks permanently
  • suitable for books, booklets, albums etc.
  • XL-size: 45 x 10 meters
  • sufficient for 20 exercise books A4/Quart or 40 in size A5

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